Sunday, September 20, 2020

The beat goes on...

I just discovered that I still have access to Blogger.  I thought it had all gone away.  This resurrects several years of my bloviation.  This was originally started when I was taking a class in writing, but it helps my failing memory to revisit my previous posts.  Often it brings me a smile recalling bits of my past.

I'm reminded of my 50th high school reunion last year.  I only recognized about three people and the bulk of the class looked so old.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Grow old along with me

     Sometimes my head spins at the rate at which time passes.  I know that such comments are trite and put me in the category of old fart.  I'm just posting this to highlight some of the goings on of the last few months since we have been back in the USA. 

     We returned home after our eighty-two day cruise to resume our 'normal' life just before Christmas.  I honestly don't remember Christmas 2019.  My neighbor had collected my mail for me while we were gone.  What an awesome collection.  

     In January I attended the Founders conference at church.  It was about "Social Justice".  And lasted the better part of the first week.  About the same time, Anh and a group of friends took a trek to Costa Rica for a little dental work. 

     Up North (most of America from where we are) they have been having a rough winter.  I posted a couple videos on Fbook to express my solidarity.  I'm not sure if they work well in blogger, but just in case...
     The last week in February we had a missions conference at church.  The main teacher was Chad Vargas.  I was a lot of information to absorb in a week.

     We had two new calves born Feb 23rd and March 4th.  The first is a bull and the second a heifer.  I think we may have a couple more in maybe May or June.  I think we will need to thin the herd as we only have ten acres for them to graze on and hay is expensive.  Stay tuned.  

     We went to the Ligonier Conference in Orlando Mar (14-16).  It was a sell out crowd (5,000 people).  The teaching was excellent.  The music was moving and the organ was awesome.  We stayed with our friends Vern and Janet and Tim and Theresa.   Got to meet Jordan and Felicia and their two kidlettes (Paisley and Issac).  The theme of the conference was Holiness.  

     I never get tired of time with friends.  In fact, I wish we had time and opportunity to spend with all our friends.  Just doesn't seem to work out that way.  

     As I recall these and the many unmentioned goings on, I'm mindful of the great gift of time.  I don't know how we could have done all this and kept a job at the same time.

     I came across this quote on my old Vietnam blog.  I still like the sentiment of it so thought I'd share.

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
the last of life, for which the first was made.
Our times are in his hand who saith,
'A whole I planned, youth shows but half;
Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'

Robert Browning

My beloved is talking about a trip to Europe.  That girl loves to travel.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Los Angeles - The end of our Grand Voyage - December 21

Our eighty-two day trip around the Pacific rim is ended.  The most stressful part of the end is getting home.

The morning of our departure began with my bacon and eggs breakfast, followed by lots of sitting around waiting for our group to be called.  Once our group was called it was a short walk to pick up our luggage and board the shuttle to LAX.  They deposited us next to our airline curbside check-in, where they relieved us of our luggage.

For a person uncomfortable in crowds, flying the week of Christmas through LA and Houston is special.  Sharing space with thousands of people all focused on their travel plans, followed by shuffling onto overbooked flights and sitting in cramped seats.  My mind starts thinking about all the possible points of failure.  It's not so much that I'm a worrier, but the bulk of the process I feel mostly powerless.

I pray when I fly.  Since most flights, either end well or they don't, I consider it something of a high stakes venture (either you live or you die).  So as I buckle my seatbelt, I remind God that my life is in his hands and how much I want things to go well.  I pray for the training, proficiency, and sobriety of our flight crew.  I also express my concerns about the health of the hundreds of people with whom I'll be sharing air for several hours.  It comforts me to remember that God is in control.  This probably sounds odd coming from a lover of flying.

So we arrived safely in Fort Myers around 2300 where Vergil is waiting to take us home.  I marvel at the speed with which we get from LA to RSW in one day.  I find about a metric ton of mail has been collected for me by my neighbor.

I think it's called "jet lag"; the disorientation to time.  My body is confused about waking and sleeping.  Sunday at church, as the Pastor led us in prayer, I found myself being shaken from my slumber to come and help in the nursery (how embarrassing)!

Afterthought: It occurs to me that my last post was from Pago Pago.  Just to chronicle the last two weeks of the cruise, it was mostly spent at sea.  The seas were rougher than any we had experienced earlier in the cruise.  On our way to Hawaii, was the worst.  Many stayed in their cabins and/or took the patch/pill for motion sickness. 

We stopped in Honolulu first.  As usual, it was mostly spent shopping.  It was reported that Pearl Harbor was not doing tourism that day.

Anh and I had been there about twelve years ago for a family wedding, but nothing seemed familiar to me.  We got around by purchasing a day pass for the bus system. 

All that really mattered was that we found a place that served Vietnamese food. 

Thu treated me to a local beer.

Bone head left, Diamond head right

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Pago Pago - American Samoa

So it's December 8 and last night we crossed the international date line.  That gave us two Saturdays.

Over the last week, we have had several stops, but not much access to the internet.  After Noumea we went to Easo, Mystery Island (Vanuatu),  Port Denerau and Suva (Fiji).

Our port yesterday in Apia Samoa was canceled for safety reasons, (High winds and an unprotected harbor).

We are in Pago Pago (American Samoa).  The weather is warm humid and windy.  I'm hoping I can finish this before it rains again, but service here is painfully slow.   Internet access is available at the pier for $3.00.  It's the kind of service you have to wait for, and wait for... The wind is threatening to pick up the canvas covers here on the pier and carry them away.

Local bus

Tutuila Island

Today we walked until we found a local bus.  We hopped on and rode as far as $5/each would take us.  Turns out not too far.  We drove out to the entrance to the harbor and then he turned around and came back.  The owner's son was with us and telling us about his plans to join the Army after high school.

Then we went to the National Parks building and watched several videos about things like how they make Tapa (a fabric made from tree bark)

We also saw a whale's jaw bone, unlike any I've seen before.  After watching several of their videos, we walked back to the ship.

We leave here this evening around 1730 and head for Hawaii.  It will be five days at sea.  Aside from no internet access, I love time at sea.  There is a rhythm to life at sea.  Not that there is anything difficult about cruising, but sea time is "in the zone".

I looked at the calendar the other day and we have less to two weeks left.  I'm holding back the tears.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Noumea - New Caledonia

     A week has passed since my last update in Mooloolaba.   After a few days at sea, we spent two days in Sydney.  Then a couple more days and here we are in New Caledonia.  We will be here until 1600 this afternoon.  FYI, we are still living in tomorrow land and don't know when we cross back into yesterday.  It's Dec 1 here.  Weather is lovely.  I had planned to go ashore, but somehow I missed the memo.  I don't care to wander around Noumea alone, but thought I'd update the blog.

     Sydney was very nice.  Lots to see and do.  We were only there for two days and day two was thunder, lightning, wind, and rain.  I kept the ship in order while Anh led the VN cohort to China town.

Ron & Ruth Prosise
     Sydney day one we took a harbor tour with Captain Cook then we had lunch ashore and finished up with the "hop on hop off" bus.  Ron and Ruth (our companions du jour) stayed on the bus when we got off to explore China town.

     The bus tour was a little too long for some of us.  So I was surprised that we wanted to trek around China town.  Silly me...
Smitten by the sand man

         So we went into the "Market Center" in China town.  It was just a four-story shopping mall.  Then we wandered around and had supper at a Japanese Mom & Pop business. 

The second day in Sydney, I met the man that had been taken off in Dutch Harbor with a heart attack.  His name is Hans and he's ninety years old.  In Anchorage, they gave him a pacemaker and sent him home to Florida.  He contacted the cruise line and was flown to Bali where he hitched a ride for the remainder of the cruise.  He was extolling his good luck over a big ole cigar.

     Here are a few of the sites we saw in Sydney.

Anh imitating art

Notice people on top of the bridge ($300 ea)
 Personal note:  Stepped on the scale this morning to see how my weight is doing.  Don't feel like I'm losing any weight.  Turns out I've gained two pounds over the last two months.   This is unacceptable.  The goal is to lose weight.  Making a new plan to kick it up a notch for these last twenty days.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Mooloolaba - Australia

What did you do on your cruise?
     So after three days at sea here we are at Mooloolaba.  We had to tender into port and the day ashore was shortened because of expected high winds this afternoon.  I won't have much time to wander around town and wifi is slow.  The town looks lovely and I'd like to come back sometime and spend a week or so enjoying the waterfront. 

     Some of our shipboard friends will be leaving us in Sydney.  I'm not too jazzed about that.  We have an early bird table on the Lido where we gather in the morning to watch the sun come up and pontificate about the state of the world. 

     Maggie will be leaving us in Sydney and I will miss her.  She takes great pictures and I'm sharing a few of them with you today.  She has a great sense of humor too.

Komodo lizard/dragon
We have been cruising now about fifty-seven days so we have about twenty-five to go.  Time passes so quickly.
 This one reminds me of Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector.

Things that hang low

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Cairns - Australia

     So we had a easy start to the day.  Late breakfast and leisurely departure.  We started off agreeing that we would wander around town, but that soon became eating at a Vietnamese restaraunt, and going to the botanical gardens. 

     It was wonderful because we met a lovely couple from England named John and Dawn.  It was so much fun visiting with them that we had two rounds of stout and a couple hours of conversation.  Unfortunately for Anh, she went shopping while I visited with them.  What delightful people!  John is a retired dentist and Dawn is retired from managing the office.  They have been travelling since they retired several months ago.  We talked at length about politics and religion.  We discussed the English reformation and John was well versed in the topic. 

     I'm not sure what everyone else did today.  We followed the footsteps on the map around town until we got to the mall.  Anh bought a dress or something.  I looked at a drone they were practically giving away for $3,000.  Of course, I consider it a successful day if I avoid buying unnecessary stuff.  But it was very cool and I was tempted (yet without sin).

    Cairns is a tourist town.  So we did tourist stuff.

     Ron Sr. went snorkeling with Ron Jr., Donna, Carol, and Roger.  Can't wait to hear the report.  Hope all went well.

     We went to the botanical gardens and saw lots of cool plants.  Walked a lot!

     We had lunch at a VN restaraunt.  Anh had Bun Thit Nuong and I had Pho Ga Nha and a Cafe Sua Da.

 After all the walking, I'm anxious to get home and order a massage chair.

Called Vergil and visited briefly.  I'm looking forward to seeing him when we get home.  I'm also mindful that we've been gone a long time.  I miss our church and am looking forward to getting home.

Don't misunderstand, I love the cruise and all the people we have grown fond of on the ship.  We have the better part of a month before we land in LA.